The Garden School Tattler

So…. what does a teacher do when school is out and she has free time to play? Well, this morning I saw my daughter off at 5:30 for a flight back to Alabama, fed the wild cats and my raccoon, went to Mass, had breakfast with Edith and then we went over to school.

I cleaned the grease trap while she combed good donated lettuce from the slimy stuff for the animals. We transplanted and watered plants, fed the animals, cleaned the refrigerators, moved furniture, redesigned places for table work and eating, cleaned out the “shed” and the bathrooms, sorted summer clothes, bathing suits and then left about 9:15.

I went over to Miss Molly’s made eggs and pancakes for her boys and then da da, she arrived at the door, rang the bell and announced she had a “delivery” for Mr. Rob Snyder. In she walks with the new baby who the other children had not seen yet. The faces of Wilbur and Jack could have been framed. Their little faces lit up and they couldn’t take their eyes off their new brother. It was so heartwarming, I cried. Jack said, “He looks just like me.” Then they all nestled down on the sofa to hold the baby.

Life is beautiful.

We will “faculty meet” tomorrow to talk about all the little programs this summer. We will discuss any graduations or children who will move from their class to the next one. We will talk about pool rules, jobs, and responsibilities. We will talk about class time, weekly themes, and accomplished readers and projects pertaining to them. We will talk about teaching videos, classroom projects and art. We will talk about food, transportation and schedules. Should take about two hours.

On Wednesday we will meet with the bankers, shop for groceries and give the place a final cleaning, call the people necessary to make field trips happen, and take the afternoon off.

So… just in case you were wondering –