Friday’s Tattler

Friday was a very special day. Our Spring Sing was darling, and the children were bright and sang with gusto. What more can you ask? Each one was cuter than the next. They sang their favorite songs they have sung through the year. Miss Amy does a magnificent job with them and we are very grateful for all she does.

The bell ringers were amazing and didn’t seem to miss a note.

Austin was a wonderful cymbalist! The other instruments were done with a lot of coy fun.

Following, we had the book sale which comes from Scholastic. It was a small year, and we probably won’t be allowed to do this again. We are the smallest school in the Nation who is allowed to do this. We must make a certain profit, and we failed to do this. Maybe they will give us one last chance.

Treats were wonderful. Thank you parents who brought treats to the party. It’s something we can’t provide ourselves – although I did manage to whip up the chocolate cheesecake! It is heartwarming to know you care.

Some of the parents took a look at all the work that has been done on the playground. It’s a marvel what Miss Leigh and Miss Dayna have been able to do with a couple of dollars and some energy. We are so grateful to them.

All in all a bright and wonderful day.