Thursday’s Thought

A well rounded child knows how to pray. It’s like anything else- we learn how to speak to others, how to play well on the playing field. We learn how to behave in a restaurant, at the movies, and generally in public. We learn how to use a public bathroom with decorum. We learn all these things, and many many more, during our formation years – ages 3-5. There have been several people who have not brought their children to the Garden School over the years because they have a fear of prayer and of God and do not want their children exposed to anything that they think is of creator status. That is their prerogative.

In some places, prayer is being replaced with nothing – but not at the Garden School. I would not be presumptuous and and demand that every child pray. Prayer is an individual choice. But for those who desire prayer, we set aside a time before and after meals and in circle time to praise and petition God. If a child does not desire prayer, he may be still, but he will not disrupt the children who desire prayer. This time is a time to learn how to pray. For those whose parents practice prayer at home, this is not a strange thing. When children do not learn how to pray or what to say, they will not incur the habit, and prayer, like anything else, is a habit. We want to at least offer children the habit of prayer.

We have all learned the Our Father as a memorized prayer. We have learned to ask for blessings on our families, each other, the ill, dying, and those in nursing homes. We pray for our soldiers and all those who serve us. We pray for government and for the animals we love who are out in poor weather. We have learned to pray for good weather and snow storms! We have learned to ask the group to pray for special intentions and things we need and want.

Today, we will learn how to pray for others in crisis. We will pray for Japan. We have learned where Japan is on the map, and we have learned some interesting things about Japan, and we will ask God to make good come from this crisis.

Prayer is a way of life. Some adopt it early and keep it as a treasure all their lives. Some don’t. But offering a way and a means and a habit is never a bad idea.

Blessings today from us to you.