Monday’s Tattler

What you need to know for this week:

This is the Southern Hemisphere week when we will study Africa, South America and Australia. Your child might be interested in the names of different countries on those continents.

On Friday, we will be having a pajama day. Children may wear their pjs, a robe, and their regular shoes so that they can go outside. It’s supposed to be warm on Friday.

Please make sure your child is covered.

There could be dreadful storms tomorrow. We will have a storm drill. Please feel free to call us at any time to check up on your child. It could be a nasty day.

We will try to eat a variety of meals this week that will delight your child. On Thursday, we will have an African meal. Parents are always welcomed to attend lunch. Please let us know by 10:30.

We are looking for a new degu. If you see one in a pet store, we would love to have it.

Please dress your child for the weather. It will be mild all week.

Have a great week!