
For the most part, early childhood teachers will work with many different kinds of children and families, but the topics of this training program offer a training most generally not used. It would be a sad day if this was the kind of training teachers needed most. I thought it was interesting, however.

Spotting developmental problems, problems in behavior stemming from neglect and ignorance, getting a child back on the right road, would make a better group of training programs.

Grenada Broadcasting Network, St. George Grenada


A series of training programmes for staff members at Child Care Homes in Grenada begins today.

The training which will be held throughout the week is organized by the Child Welfare Authority and the main facilitator will be Dr Pat Lager, a Volunteer from the Florida Association for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas.

Topics to be discussed during the sessions include:

“Understanding Child Development and behaviour associated with Abuse”

“Dealing with Aggression”

and “Working with Children with disabilities.”

The highlight of Dr Lager’s visit is a guest lecture for the first class in the
“Introduction to Social Work Course,” at the TA Marryshow Community College.

It takes place on Thursday January 26th. Her subject for discussion will be “Choosing your path in Social Work.”