The Garden School Tattler


It was a powerful day. Sometimes we meander through our days, and sometimes we storm troop. Today was the storm troop day. It was a steady stomp stomp stomp day.

We had a brilliant early morning Scholar’s Club – nearly the whole school attended. Look for yellow stickers on the chart for winners, and green ones for helpers. When a child helps out without being asked, and it’s noticed, he gets a green sticker. I had two helpers today – Aidan and Dawson. Dawson is putting out a 100 percent effort.

In class today, Mrs. St. Louis’s class was unsure of counting fingers. Some kids thought they had five, and the others said eleven. They have fourteen toes though some only have nine. It depends.

We found numbers today from fifty to 100. Upside down some numbers look like others. It was fun. I was elated today by the handwriting efforts in my class and they are paper framed and hanging by the front door. I am awed by their ability to do such a good job, understand and follow directions.

We worked on making words again. Some of them get it and some don’t. Taylor is doing a great job, Justin is trying hard, Abby is finally getting it, and she did some good number work as well. With a little push and some individual attention, every child in the class can do it.

Jack Snyder won the best listener award today.

Please remind children that plants and marbles are not edible. Some of the little kids are putting everything into their mouths like toddlers!

This afternoon we had a rhythm session and dragged out nearly every instrument in the house. It was very noisy. We had tambourines, sticks, cymbals, triangles, shakers, blocks, and finger cymbals. We found cement is a much louder surface than carpet. They stayed with this for a long, long time.

Then we did another Scholars Club and talked about tornadoes and then we cut a tornado from black paper and mounted it on a green sheet. The kids really got into the swing of the exercise. It was fun. Scholars got cookies and brownies.

It’s my husband’s birthday today and the whole family is coming for dinner. Anne is making Cordon Blue a la Angelo’s. It’s a blessing! I feel like one of those movie moms with all the grown kids and the little grand kids all running around my big house. It’s really really fun. Jack and Wilbur came home from school with me and we made cookies and then Annie took Wilbur to the store while Grandpa played cards with Jack. Later, Edith is coming over too. It’s so American!

God bless you all – life is a wonderful experience nearly every day.