The Garden School Tattler

Sara Writes: that’s what parents are asking for the DECISION…I don’t want daycare but I don’t want it stopped either.. what I would like to see is the government supporting stay at home parents just as much..

It’s an interesting idea, but complicated. To accommodate parents who want to stay home means a government grant would go to private homes. So what, you say, working mothers get grants and so do students, why not stay at home mothers?

Most working parents would probably say because a working person is a contributor to the work force and the economy and a student is liable to eventually find a job that contributes a taxable income. It’s an investment. Studies say it works. Stay at home parents would use grant money without a return on the investment. And who would pay for it? Would working class parents have to pay for stay at home parents to stay home? Seems unfair.

It seems that the decision to stay at home, and I did it for fifteen years, is a pioneer position. You’re on your own. If you give up the second income, that’s your choice, and you have to live with it.

At the same time, if the government did pay parents to stay home, how much of a say about that home would the government be entitled to? Could they tell you what you could and could not eat, what if any religion you could practice, how many children you can have, when and where, and what things you could and could not do in your government subsidized life?

Personally, I think a home is a sacred place and not for government interference. We’ve fought long and hard in this country for freedom, and to invite government funding into our homes is just asking to turn back the clocks. Boston Tea Party revisited.