The Garden School Tattler

It’s been a busy week. Miss Molly had her baby Tuesday morning at 7:50. She did a great job and little Robby was born a perfect little 6.13 oz 20.5 inches. He was early however, and has been in NICU with breathing problems. He is coming along just fine, but it always takes time.

I am always so interested in how young women bear up under the avalanche of emotion that a sick child offers. He will be fine in a few days, but now it’s that endless worry and the suffocating attention that must be paid moment by moment.

As I watched her feed him, I looked at her face and realized all over again what it means to love a child unconditionally, and what it means to bond with another human being with your whole heart and soul. She lovingly cradles that baby with everything she’s got, and he responds with long deep sighs and the one eyed look as if to say, “Are you still there?” sigh, “Good.”

There is nothing quite like motherhood with the exception of fatherhood. When big Rob saw him for the first time hooked up to fifteen machines, he broke down and cried.

I’m glad I’m watching from the next generation.

School has been one surprise after another. The kids are just wonderful. It’s hard to decide who gets what awards. Picnic on Friday after the awards ceremony at 3:00.