Garden School Tattler

It was a glorious day at the park yesterday. It was hot, but the temperature was much better for swimming. We had some great efforts at the pool. Jackie passed his swimming test, Dhezmond passed his, Alan went off the board and so did Austin. These are huge milestones for these children.

Swimming allows children a certain independence that cannot be duplicated in any other activity. It’s an activity that allows the child to see danger and conquer fears as well as manage his body in a potentially hazardous situation. It means adult thinking and coordinated doing. It means learning absolute rules and complying with them.

Several children opted out of swimming to play in the park. There were also some non swimmers because of behavior on the field trip. This left a low number of kids in the pool so some serious work could be done. I was proud of all the children yesterday.

The lunch focus was on egg salad. We’ve been going for 10 eggs, now we’re up to 12. That’s including 4 cans of tuna, a 1/2 pound of ham, cheese and bologna, a whole jar of peanut butter and a whole jar of jelly, 1/2 a jar of honey, a double batch of cookies, three things of potato chips and a 1/2 dozen apples. We come home empty every day. That’s a good thing.

Today is a school day and we will focus on reading about airplanes. We are doing a little musical chairs in the classroom today. It will be interesting to see the progress.

The pictures come from Hadley’s mom.