Garden School Tattler

It was perfect weather yesterday at the pool. It was mildly breezy, but the water was warm. The kids seemed to really enjoy the swimming. It was one of those dive-jump off the sides and swim to you days. The kids couldn’t get enough of distance swimming.

When the temperature is 98 degrees, it might feel better in the water, but it’s so debilitating, it’s almost impossible to function. This is mid 80s weather and warm enough for swimming but not so hot no one wants to eat.

I’ve been invited to Glenwood School this morning to teach a class on culture and poetry. That should be interesting. Middle school kids are a tough nut to crack. If I can make them laugh twice, I will have succeeded.

This week we have already covered cave people and are looking at the art. It’s hauntingly beautiful. The Lascaux Caves in France have some of the most stunning art I’ve ever seen. We don’t often think of ourselves as the “same” as the cave people, but when you look at the artwork, you realize just how similar we are.

There’s a link on this blog for the “Tree People.” These wonderful people are Stone Age people as well.

We will be going to Cave in Rock this week, and then up to the lake for swimming. Parents are welcome. It’s one of the prettiest places I know.

Pizza for lunch today.