Garden School Tattler

Friday was an outstanding pool day. Five more notches in the handle of success.

Morgan passed her swim test with flying, and I do mean flying colors as she flung herself into the water from the edge of the pool.

Madison passed hers with a wash tub steady stroke and an athlete’s breathing – huff, huff, huff.

Jasmine was long and graceful as she sped into the water and then in mermaid fashion glided back to the edge of the pool.

MJ struggled a little but made the edge before going down. Then he decided it was fun and he spent the rest of the day jumping in and speeding back to the pool side only to jump in again.

Kaito, like Morgan, flung himself into the pool and then with a proper real stroke made his way back to pool side and then spent a lot of time under the water. He’s a real little pro.

That makes 23 swimmers so far.

The pool was really warm and wonderful and we hurried back to school before the storm. By 3:00 it was a tropical hurricane at school. The children all played quietly, and the bigger children were fascinated by the lack of light and the bend of the trees.

This morning the tomato plants were all down and after an hour of pulling weeds and tying up the plants, the garden looks like it was never hit by torrential down pours.

One more week before break. We’ve been invited to the fair. More about that later.