Spider Bites

Some of the parents were talking about spiders yesterday, and when I got home from work I found this in my email. The pictures were sent from my daughter, Katy, who is a safety specialist for a large manufacturing company.

The pictures are graphic, and I apologize for any upset, but it does show how terrible brown recluse spider bites can be. Too often we shake off a spider bite. We tough it out as if we’re tough, but after looking at these pictures, I will be more careful about spiders.

The pictures are in order. Notice the spider looks a lot like a common house spider. It has two large fangs at the head. It is not especially large.
You can see from the second picture, taken on the first day, that this si something to worry about. Since pictures have been taken, this bite has been treated which is even more alarming.

The next picture is day three.

The next picture is day 5.

The last picture is day nine. Notice the string keeping the finger together. I have a close up of this, but I didn’t print it.