The Garden School Tattler

We had a wonderful time at the lake. The rain stayed off, the kids seemed to love the water and the parents seemed to enjoy the kids. Food was passable. Thanks to Joe, we managed to get ten pounds of hamburger cooked.

I hate goodbyes. I always make a bee line for the kitchen and hide out while everyone leaves. I’d rather not say goodbye to kids and parents even on the last day. I know it’s part of it, but it’s a part I’d rather just let continue as if “I’ll see you next week.” Silly, but characteristic. I suppose it has to do with the right kind of change. It speaks of growth and development. It speaks of the thing we are all eager to watch – the child grow up.

We’ve had a marvelous group of parents this last year. We couldn’t thank you enough for all you did for us. We would love to keep in touch, if you are leaving the GS. We love visits.

I’m off to Florida to see #3 and #4 grandchildren. I have never seen Patrick. So Terry and I are off until next Friday. Miss Judy is going to swim in the ocean. I will be in school all day Saturday if you need me.