The Garden School Tattler

It’s been a few days!

We had a blast last Friday- the whole school was exhausted from the heat and the shift in gears, so we all took a break and studied clay. We made space clay, play dough, brought out the petroleum clay, and we used earth clay to explore and create. After lunch the kids did all the dishes and vacuumed and mopped the floors, and boy were they absolutely fabulous! We were so impressed.

Monday and Tuesday have been regular school days. Miss Morgan has moved from the 4K to the K-1. Her work was just way above the other children’s work. It was probably time. She’ll have to work very hard for a while, but she can do this.

We were very saddened by the death of the young man at Castle High School. He was a close friend of one of our families. We are praying for him and the family.

We are trying to learn two new songs, Anthem and The Impossible Dream, but the kids are wont to sing this year. It could be that they are tired. This forever heat really does take a toll on everyone. We are trying hard to get out in the morning for some fresh air and to eat breakfast on the patio, but when the temp is 85% and climbing, and the humidity is 200% it’s discouraging. All the kids want to go out on a regular basis, but can’t because it’s so uncomfortable.

This week, Mon and Tues, were Edith’s and my wedding anniversaries. Edith and Ralph would have been married 41 years, and Terry and I have been married 36 years. It’s a life sentence!
Reflecting back on 36 years, it’s strange what you remember. This week I went down to our local school and brought my grandson Jack home from his first week at Newburgh School. He’s in the first grade. I think I was in that school every day for at least 20 years, and now picking him up after school is familiar yet different. Jack and I go for ice cream first. It’s just over the hill. We’re walking of course, and the time we can spend together is priceless. I remember all the days my kids came home from that little school and the excitement and joy of learning and sharing and just being together is a memory worth thinking about over and over.

So it’s been a really busy time.

This week in my class we learned about playing cards, numbers and games. We played “Fish” today and the kids seemed to catch on quickly. Card games teach children to think, do, act, and remember.

We also did some geometric art, played the who remembers what game, and David won. We have 25 sight words on flash cards. I’m trying to teach the children to remember and to get used to words in print. We go around in a circle and ask each child if they know either the name on the flash card or the word. If a child says it right, he can hold the card. We do this until all the cards are gone. Then we count who has remembered the most cards.

Behavior has been up and down. Some kids are just brilliantly behaved and some children are not. If your child receives a constant stream of green faces, he needs to go to bed earlier. Sleep deprivation is often a source for poor behavior.

Pizza tomorrow – watermelon and grapes, a salad and milk.