The Garden School Tattler

As we move into Fall, we begin to look around us and teach the children what is relevant to our lives here in Southwestern Indiana. What’s the point of learning about the rain forest if we don’t know about our own woods and our own animals? We will explore our Native American way of life this week and bring in a lot about trees, plants, animals, and geographical land masses and water sheds.

I think it’s worth noting that leaves can be kept colorful using a complete coating of contact paper. Provided the air is removed in the sealing, the leaf will remain colorful for a long time.

Leaf collections are a really nice science project. I am trying to get Jana to teach science. Everyone encourage her.

One of the cultural areas of study is diet. We will be tasting some American Indian food. Today is Corn Pone and Cranberry fritters that the children will make because it’s going to rain all day, and it will be a neat thing to do. For lunch we will have Moose burgers. I had a heck of a time finding moose, so I had to substitute for beef. Too bad; I was looking forward to tasting moose. One year I looked for whale, but it simply wasn’t available in EVV, so I subbed for shark. Shark is good, but it’s not whale. I told the kids who balked that they’ve been eating us all these years, it’s about time we ate a few of them!

I think it’s probably a reality that if it can be cooked – I’ll try.

One of the American Indian recipes has goat – not sure quite what to sub. Anyone got some fresh goat? It has to be professionally butchered.

We will be making jewelry this week. I’m hoping the children will take the challenge and do some intricate work.

I’m going to try to get the tee pee down from the cloak closet – should be fun.

It should be a really nice week.