
Day Care Providers Disagree on Day Care Proposals

By BARBARA NORD BY Tibune staff writer

SwriterSomecare providers can’t wait for a state program that would rate and improve day cares.

Ocares.Otherse proposal as government intrusion in their private businesbusiness.People

h side of the issue argued for their viewpoint during a discussion Tuesday night at the NatronaNatrona Public Library. It was part of a series of statewide meetings for the Department of Workforce Services to gain input on the proposaproposal.The

The goal is to expand both the quality and the capacity of child care in Wyoming, DWS director KatEmmonsosaid.Erin

in King, who runs the home-based Wee Ponder day care, says she was thrilled to hear about thprogram.She

he hopes it will put her on equal footing with big day care centers when it comes to buying materials and providing benefits such as healtinsurance.Her

er husband Doug King said, “Why would you not want to try to have a tool that’s going to enhance the quality of the environment?”

But other providers were very concerned that the program could mean the state would take away their right to develop their own curriculum, which in some cases is faith-based. Others thought they would appear to be less than quality if they chose not to participate in the ratinsystem.

State Rep.Brechtelchtel, R-Casper, attended the meeting and said he has many reservations about the proposal. He said it could create legal, financial and social problems.

Comment: I always wonder why people think the State will nix prayer. It’s not about prayer, it’s about forcing someone to pray. I can’t make a child pray, but I can make him leave the next child alone so the child next to him can pray. We have a special ministry to pray for the sick and those who have asked us to pray for them. It’s a quick, child friendly time when we pray by name. Being an example of prayer is part of a good education. Not knowing what to do to establish a relationship with God is neglect.