The Garden School Tattler

The fund raiser has been an enormous success! Miss Molly is thrilled! Thank you so much.

We’ve started something new and exciting. We have always used a discipline system – lately it’s Kelly’s system of blue and green faces for breaking rules. Now we’ve enhanced it with little signs of congratulatory remarks and it has been our pleasure to reward the children for good deeds, bright comments, good work and illustrious living. Please check your child’s envelope in Community or circle time. We are keeping score on this, and it will be tabulated for report cards. Kelly is so creative.

Last week with the food inspection, it was very stressful. We always want to do everything perfectly and exceptionally well. We passed with some suggestions but also with flying colors for our meal. Our tribute to safety is our ability to get lunch made in a clean environment and put it on the table before what they call the “danger zone” even begins. What we serve is of course another matter.

We have begun using homemade bread as often as we can. I love baking, and the kids love eating. We tried multiple bean chili this week, and it was received nicely. Some kids loved it. Hadley had two bowls.

Today is egg and cheese day. If I can remember, I’d like to make an egg pizza, but we will probably make do with grilled cheese. All things can be new under the sun with a little nerve and some invention and a smile.

The kids have made the weather transition exceptionally well. Triston has made a huge jump in maturity and we congratulate him – perhaps a party.

A note about Halloween will be coming home today.