Washington State

Washington’s early learning program gets mixed reviews

10:58 AM PST on Wednesday, November 15, 2006


SEATTLE – Gov. Christine Gregoire wants to boost spending for early learning programs. On Tuesday she outlined her plan to a group of supporters in downtown Seattle.

The proposed plan, called Washington Learns includes comprehensive changes in the preschool system. These include expanding training for teachers and a system to measure a child’s readiness for kindergarten.

Proponents believe preschool is an important part of a child’s educational development. They point to studies which show a good foundation can keep certain people out of trouble and away from social services later in life.

“Some of the studies have shown that really 85 percent of the brain is developed before the age of 3, so it’s important the minute children are born they’re learning,” said Jone Bosworth, director of the Department of Early Learning.

Some people have immediately criticized the proposal as too complex, and say that it doesn’t address funding specifics.

Gregoire didn’t talk too much about the finances needed for Washington Learns, but believe educators need to think about the possibilities.

Comment: If the brain is more or less developed by age three, then why must we “wait to teach” until a child is in school?