The Garden School Tattler

This picture was taken during a guest visit from a friend of Jana’s who came to talk about Thailand. She brought wonderful things for the kids to see. The outfit the child is wearing is one of those things. The kids really enjoyed learning about different cultures, and have really learned. On Friday we painted maps and they were able to paint quite a few familiar countries.

Another busy week ahead!

This is the beginning of play week. We will be sending home lines for the children to learn. It’s important that they literally yell out the line and separate their words as much as possible. One of the unfortunate outcomes of doing a play with kids is that the end product is so quiet, the audience can barely hear the lines, so this year we are screeching out every line until they are comfortable with being loud. Good gravy, they are loud enough every day, they can’t tell me they can’t do it for the stage!!!

We are going to the Lollipop concert on Thursday. This is a really nice little “get acquainted with music and instruments” gig the philharmonic does every year. Parents who can take an early lunch are welcome to come sit with kids. It’s about an hour, on the east side of EVV and you can leave early because it’s informal. Think about coming!

We are still doing the nutrition thing. I’ve been reading about vitamins and what kids need and should have. We’re on the right track. I’m giving a workshop at the Spring Conference for Childcare coming up in March.

We still need five more children. We could lower tuition with five more kids!