The Garden School Tattler

The movie last week was hilarious and the children were absolutely delightful. It was one of those adult-child Neil Simon type one liner slapstick movies, but the children didn’t seem to notice anything but entertaining fun. We went to the park after and played on the toys and tried out our summer lunch which seemed to be received well.

Yesterday we did a pattern coloring. It was an exercise in thought and Camryn won for best result. There were several good ones, however.

We ate tacos and strawberries yesterday with oranges and salad, and the kids seemed to enjoy the new salsa and nacho shells. I’m amazed by how many children ate the sour cream and left the strawberries.

Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days ever. We played a lot outside because we are still adjusting to being outside for long periods. We bobbed for apples yesterday and nearly every one was gotten.

Then we pulled out the squirt guns. The rule is: you can’t be shot with water if you don’t have a squirt gun in your hand. If you empty the gun, you lose it. The children played at this for an hour and had a delightful time. They were soaking, but dried off quickly in the spring sun.

Water play is a child’s favorite, and we will do lots of water play this summer.

I got this picture from you know who at Disneyland. Thought you would enjoy it.