
Dear Readers,

It’s been a small nightmare recently trying to coordinate my email and my blog site.

There may have to be a new blog. If so, please go to the old blog and link to my web site at the Garden School where it will be announced.

Here’s what happened:

I’ve had an email account at Sigecom for years. They were sold to Wowway. Wowway is about the worst email program I’ve ever encountered. I actually sent a whole book to an inquiring publisher and I have no record of doing so…

I switched my email to gmail and because my account with blogger was sigecom, I could either get my email or blooger but not both. Keeps wanting to say I don’t have an account. ERRRRR!

So while trying to wade through a swamp of technomaze, I’ve finally gotten back into blogger after five days, and may not get into it again. So… There may have to be a new blog.

If anyone out there knows what to do, please post!

