School’s Out.

Dear Parents,

I know, I know – another snow day 🙁

Miss Kelly has been ill for several days with the flu = vomiting non stop with a fever of 104.

Miss Amy ditto. She had a fever this morning of 104.

So this rest will be good for them.

We will celebrate Valentine’s Day with the kids on Friday – God willing and the creek don’t rise!

We will have our regular dismissal at 5:00 – 5:30 tomorrow.

We are all sorry for the missed days and planned to do so much this week. We got Valentines made on Monday before the call, and that’s about it.

Edith crawled over to school today to feed the animals. I’m snowed in – just got the roads scraped. My family slid down my hill this morning to feed a hungry group of animals neglected in the snow.

