The Garden School Tattler – Mammoth Cave

We had a really nice time at Mammoth Cave on Friday. It’s some of our parents’ and teachers’ favorite spot. It takes a while to get there, but it’s well worth it. Our timing was really quite good, and although we got lost coming home, we did arrive on time. Miss Sandy was upset that she had missed the turn, but that’s all part of the adventure!

We had a good lunch. Kids seemed to eat – even with their parents on board! We had our usual, and lots of kids asked for salami which surprised me. One day last week we forgot the peanut butter, and the children ate the sandwich meat instead, and on Friday, far fewer asked for peanut butter than ever before, so that was interesting.

I made a shrimp and crab salad for the parents, and a hearty chicken salad as well. It was well received.

One of the things that I use in salads is the new Hellman’s Olive Oil mayo. It’s a lot healthier than regular mayo. Sandwich salads are always better with a mayo that is sugar free because sugar disguises the taste of the food. When making tuna salad, I use Star Kist solid white albacore tuna. You get a lot more for your $$$ and it just tastes better than cat food tuna. The egg salad is made from farm eggs with the orange yolk, and mayo – that’s it. People always comment on how much they like my salads, and I think the reason is the simplicity. Sometimes doctoring something only makes it heavy with too many tastes going on.

We arrived at the cave in splendid time, and descended the long road down to the opening. The cave has a lovely mouth, and is quite beautiful.

The cave was its usual pristine cool dark place, and the children seemed to enjoy the experience of climbing long stairs, squatting to get through and by and over terrain you simply don’t find up top. A lot of our children have never been there before, so it was a good teaching and learning day.

Next year we will be taking the Niagara Tour. We’ve done this one twice, and it’s time to change it. I liked the Niagara Tour because of the tight spots and all the turns.

Overall the kids were well behaved. There were three who should not have come. We will remember that for next time.

Field trips are a gift for good behavior. We will be sending home a letter on Monday to that effect.

This week: We will finish our sewing projects. (Kudos go to the following children and adults for learning how to crochet on the trip: Jennifer, Tracy, Briauna, Micheala, Hannah, and Morgan. I brought little bags with crochet tools, and the kids worked diligently until they finally conquered it.)

Tuesday will be a swim day, Wednesday too, and Friday we are arranging a tour of Ellis Park and we will watch the horses race in the first race.

