Sleepy Teachers?

Here’s an article from Teacher magazine about sleep and teachers. We are always saying to parents that children need more rest. In our busy world at school, the minimum is just that — a minimum, and for those of us who are not minimalists ( I really despise minimalism) the minimum of anything regarding children is just that – bottom line. Children need 12 hours of sleep every day, and after age three, that should not be a split session. Four hours at school and eight hours at home is not good rest. Choosing a bed time and keeping it is one of the best things a parent can do for a child. Children who are sleep deprived often have other problems.

Sleep should be a positive and fun time. It’s a time when that bed has a goose down topper, the sheets are crisp and fresh, the pillow fluffed and inviting. The covers just right to snuggle in all night. After a nice warm bath, a nice cup of herbal tea with mom(it’s a way drinking warm milk 😉 a story told or read with the lights on, it’s time to brush our teeth, say our prayers and jump into our snuggle bed. Our favorite stuffed toy tight in our arms and a night light close. Kisses and hugs and a promise for tomorrow. It takes five minutes to put a child to bed – or should. Going to sleep in his own bed in his own room can be one of his favorite things to do.

Now for parents. As a firm believer in sleep, I think parents need to have a regular bed time as well. The lack of sleep will age you. Like sugar and salt, a lack of sleep will put years on your face, and will draw your tired body into a poor posture that could have ill effects. Feeling good begins with a good night’s sleep. Tired people tend to have poor diets because it’s just too hard on the body to eat much more than sugar.

There is an article posted in Teacher Magazine that talks about teachers and their notorious lack of sleep. To read the article, go HERE.