Monday’s Tattler

We had a rush rush rush to the Philharmonic this morning, and Super Sandy got us there first so that we could sit up front. There were lots of instruments: an oboe, a bassoon, a flute, a harp, a French horn, a percussionist with a tambourine, drums, an xylophone, a viola, a violin and a clarinet. The children enjoyed the music and the musicians as they came around and showed the children close up. There were lots of questions asked and our kids had most of the answers. Our children were the best behaved children present.

As I watched the children watch the musicians play, I noticed how riveted they were. Cole especially was undone by the beauty of what he heard. Jake and Sam closed their eyes and put their heads back and kept time with their whole bodies. We had a couple of philistines who tried to talk through it, but for the most part, the children were thrilled.

We came home to play practice with the staging and the props. It’s a long way to the play! The children’s places were blocked, and a last minute look at costumes.

We played outside for a few minutes, but it was very cold. It never made the 40s today! It will probably be cold the rest of the week. Please dress the children warmly. If you send hats and mittens, please put them in your child’s sleeve, or instruct him to do so. It’s the best way of keeping track of mittens and hats.

We had children’s spaghetti, salad, watermelon, grapes, French bread, cottage cheese and milk for lunch. The kids ate most of it. There were few left overs.

Later this week the Discovery Toy party will close on Thursday. If there is something you want, please see Miss Judy.

Some of the orders for candles and batteries are coming in now. Thank you all so much for your support.

On Friday, our play will begin at 3:00 p.m. All children MUST have an adult escort. If you are unable to come to the play, please see Miss Judy asap otherwise, please be sure that someone arrives for the play. Please bring a treat to share with friends. A great treat is cookies or chips. Children like these best.