Friday’s Tattler

It’s been a quiet week. Lots of kids are out sick, and I mean really sick. This terrible bug has gripped some of our kids by the neck and given them a good twist. Our beloved Phoebe has been out nearly two weeks on and off, and poor Ethan has had such a high fever. We figure about 15 children have had this in one form or another. It begins with a puniness, and then either gets the stomach or the head and there is a high fever day after day. Molly thinks it’s a little like RSV because of the fever, and treatment doesn’t seem to help.

At school we have been working on making ornaments for the tree. Our fist attempt was better than the last one. In the preschool, we will continue with ornament making for a while. In preschool, we have finished with the alphabet letters. The children are responsible for knowing them now. We will continue to work on them in little groups because some of the children have forgotten during play weeks and during the break, but we will get there. Jill, Jake, Sam, and Zoey know all their letters.

We have started to learn to write our names. Zoey is practicing Zs; Jill can manage her whole name and so can Trevor. It’s a work in progress!

We’ve had some fun meals this week. The kids are not going outside, so they are not very interested in food. We had a turkey again this week that they liked. Today it’s breakfast for lunch: bacon, eggs and cheese on a bed of hash browns, fruit and milk.

We studied digestion in Health and the kids found it fun. We studied the Middle East in Geography class, and the kids made a map. We studied the story of the Christmas Tree in Social Studies and the kids made a tree. Mrs. St. Louis’s angel art was a huge success.

Today is Fine Arts and Theatre. We will be working on Hansel and Gretel. Should be fun.

Please consider giving to our ill family. It would mean so much.

Have a great day!