The Bad Guy

Here is a neat little article about food science. It’s apparently the enemy of most. I can appreciate that because no one who reads a food article says to themselves, “Wow, I’m right on target with that one!” Food science and articles are not meant to be self deprecating ammunition, nor are articles about food supposed to be a test of faithfulness to God, family and country in that order. They are simply information to be ingested much the way a lovely deep chocolate fudge or a big helping of roast turkey is supposed to be eaten. It’s supposed to be fun to learn!

Why is Food Science the “Baddie” for Consumers

Food continues to be singled out by fear-mongering tabloids and the mainstream media: Additives are evil, processed food is the devil’s home-brew, salt is everywhere, children are hyperactive, and Irish pork is poison. Let’s all boo!

For more of this article go HERE.