Monday’s Tattler

Good morning! It’s another bright Monday. It’s supposed to be a nice warm day and we will get the kids out for an airing and a nice long recess at least twice today.

There is a nasty flu bug going around, and I know of at least three children who will be out today. This seems to be a very contagious little bug, so if your child is puny or not feeling well, please keep him home. He will end up vomiting and going home for 36 hours at least to keep in step with the official state code.

This week is play practice. Every child needs to know his lines ASAP. This is a mommy and me or daddy and me thing. We will practice the play twice every day. Blocking will come next.

This week we will try to watch Darby O’Gill and the Little People. It’s Sean Connery’s first role ever.

No field trip this week. If you have not paid your field trip fees, please do so.