Sunday’s Table

Campbell on board with salt reduction effort

By staff reporter, 24-Feb-2009

From Food Navigator.

Comment: Too often we remember a name brand product, and because we grew up with it, we think it’s got to be good, and that’s simply not the truth. As a food contractor for the United States Department of Agriculture Child Care Food Program, I have to know what I can and can’t serve our children at the Garden School. The foods I can’t serve are foods that have no nutritional value. Some of these non-food food items are Campbell’s Soup, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Kraft singles, and Chef Boyardee canned pasta. There is not enough food value in these products to qualify as a food. These products are filled with sugar, salt and water. Might as well down a pitcher of coolaid. It’s nice to see that at least the salt content is being brought under control.

As the Institute of Medicine (IOM) considers a strategy to reduce salt in the American diet, the food industry is under pressure to cut products’ salt content. Campbell is the latest company to announce new low sodium products, in its soup line.

For more of the story go HERE.