Friday’s Tattler

I’ve been trying to post for a few days, and was confounded by machinery!

Our Easter windup was busy busy. We sent Easter baskets home on Wednesday because so much was going on on Thursday. The amount of candy in each basket represented your child’s good behavior and exceptional behavior. Lots of kids got extra candy for good work and for doing something special. We were very proud of our children.

On Thursday, we tried out a new staff member. Her name is Julie and comes highly regarded by a very dear and old friend of mine. Julie has been working in early childhood many years, and has a special love of nature which she will most like find a niche in teaching. You will be seeing Julie in the afternoons at the GS. She will be getting acquainted with us a little at a time and come on full time this summer.

On Thursday we celebrated Andrew’s birthday with cupcakes. It was lovely to share. We thank all our families who help us celebrate their children’s birthdays.

On Thursday we celebrated the birthday of the school and Miss Judy’s 107th birthday. Our school is thirteen years old this year. Thank you all for making it a go. We had cake to celebrate.

On Thursday we sent home report cards and K-1 testing. If you have any questions about the testing, please see Miss Kelly.

Miss Amy is working diligently with the children for Spring Sing which is at the end of April. Please make note. At the same time we will be having our book fair. The book fair is from Scholastic and will go on for almost a week. This is your chance to buy inexpensive books for your child. These are wonderful books and last a long time. Many of the books in out library at school came from my house and belonged to my children who are grown up now. They last a very long time. The GS is the smallest school allowed to have a book fair. We are very proud of that.

Monday is the hopining. We will hop Monday morning and send the results home that day.

Have a splendid Easter day!