Monday’s Tattler

Good morning!

It’s a rainy Monday, but it’s not as cold as it has been. I thought I’d freeze all day yesterday!

It’s still the Easter Season and will be for 40 more days, so expect the Easter art to keep on coming!

If we get a break in the rain, we will do our hopining today. Please bring in your envelopes and donations for Easter Seals as soon as possible.

Today the weather is supposed to be 62 for a high. That’s still pretty chilly for short sleeves. Children still need a light jacket.

Listening has been a problem at school lately. Please continue to ask your child questions and listen to the response. Also, ask children what you have said and expect them to repeat what you have said. Not listening is a thing learned from too much TV. TV expects passive listening because it doesn’t expect a response. Children who watch too much TV don’t learn how to respond and certainly only listen selectively. If the TV suggests cleaning up, who is there to reinforce the suggestion. At school, sometimes teachers feel as if we are TVs only suggesting an activity, and the passive listening is rampant! I am sure you guys feel that way as well. So, at home, when you are needing a child’s attention, it’s nearly always a good idea to turn off the TV for some active listening.

It’s an ordinary week. We may or may not go on a field trip on Friday. It will be posted.

Have a great day!