Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning. It’s a brand new week. We hope this week is as much fun for your children as last week.

This week on Monday, we will issue a new set of spelling words. Lots of parents have been concerned that the spelling words are too hard, too long, too, too. This summer’s spelling project is supposed to be a fun parent and me project that encourages parents to work with children. Education is a partnership.

So far this summer, we have heard, “I didn’t have time; my mom didn’t have time; we were busy and didn’t have time.” That’s the way some summers go, but when the child sits down on Thursday and takes his test, he is lost, and that’s a shame. As a remedy to this, try doing one word every day in the car going home from school. It will take probably three minutes, and the work is done. Keep your child’s spelling list in the car.

At the end of the summer, we will be making a book to remember, so you will want your child’s book to be more than blank!

Tuesday and Wednesday we will be swimming at Newburgh Pool. It will be very hot on those days. We will be taking a big cooler of water with us and we will encourage the children to drink a lot of water.

On Friday, we will be going to the Garden of the Gods. This is a very save place when children listen and follow directions. No child can go out on a rock without holding and adult’s hand. It’s as simple as that. As one teacher holds the line, the other teachers proceed out on the rocks. It’s really not that unsafe. The reports you have heard about children falling are also about neglect by teenage day care help. We don’t employ teens and we don’t put them in charge of little kids.

We will be picnicking and swimming at Pounds Hollow. This is a beautiful swimming lake for children in Shawnee National Forest.

It will be hot all week. It is a great suggestion that children get a lot of rest. Children who retire before 8:00 do best.

Have a marvelous week!