Friday’s Tattler

It’s been one heck of a week and weekend. We finished the week with a nice story about the War of the Angels. The kids were very impressed with the creation Bible Story, and settled nicely into creating a world of their own with clay. They played outside, and we sent part of a poem home for the children to begin to learn. It’s by A.A. Milne and part of the original Christopher Robin books. I have a set my first boy friend gave me in 1956 when he left for England.

The pizza was a big hit with the kids Friday afternoon and we had all kinds of fruit and left over veggies to go with. We make white pizza with salad dressing because the red pizza hypes the kids up. If you are going to hype up a child, might as well dig out the chocolate – chocolate hype is cute and red sauce is a mean hype – no kidding.

On Saturday, we met to put in the fence and we hit a gas line first try. Now why the gas line was absent one minute and there the next beats me. But after the fire trucks came, and Vectren finally decided to arrive forty five minutes later, we were fixed and ready to abandon ship. They will come out and mark next week and we will try again.

We have kittens from the barn visiting us these days. They are gray and orange. Mom is a brindle and dad is a charming black and white. We are feeding them tuna, cottage cheese, dry cat food and baked chicken ;-}