Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning! It’s going to be another beautiful day. In fact it’s going to be a really beautiful week! Please remember to dress children in shorts and sleeved t-shirts – no long clothes yet. Morning is not the only part of the day, and kids get hot in the afternoon when they are dressed for only a couple of hours of morning. Doesn’t make sense!

Classes have been finalized and your child has been assigned to a group of learners. We group by ability not by age. We have many fine learners this year. There were lots of surprises in this year’s group. Many of our children are very very bright.

Last week the children were very tired from all that we do. If your child is accustomed to taking a nap, you might want to add that nap time to his bedtime routine. Children should be in bed and drifting off to sleep by 8:00. Children who linger up with parents until 9:00 or 10:00 have the most trouble with behavior. Our program is a busy and active program that demands rest at night.

Please remember your child’s baby picture for the beautiful baby contest.

Please read the notes going home and please read the handbook to avoid confusion about regular and ordinary things!

Have a great day!