Friday’s Tattler

A good week, all in all. We looked at Columbus. It was amazing how much the children learned and remembered when asked. We drew ships, pasted ships, painted ships and listened to the story of how Christopher came to the new world. We even navigated his boat across the water using longitude and latitude lines. The kindergarten did a first rate job.

We’ve been re-organizing the playroom for winter and for more floor space. Some of the toys taken and put away are re-appearing. The boys got their trucks and cars back and seem to be enjoying them.

We tasted a pomegranate in Nutrition class, and every child but one tasted it and enjoyed it. One little boy loved it so much, his mom promised to buy one for him to eat. Pomegranates make a wonderful TV snack.

We had some trouble with spitting this week. Spitting is absolutely not tolerated. Please remind your child, if he or she is a spitter, that the consequences are dire. I have a place for spitter’s medals that’s hard to get to and harder to retrieve.

Next week: the farm.