Friday’s Tattler

It was a beautiful day yesterday – a real ball game of weather. As I approached school at 5:45, I wondered if the mist on my car would stop the field trip. I pulled into the parking lot and fed the cats, and then started making lunch. I thought that it looked less threatening as the dawn approached. The sky was wild with activity, but as a more or less daring person, I bet on the sunshine. As the hours ticked away and the apricot bars finished baking and the Pizzel was packed for a trial run as bread for the peanut butter and jelly, I hesitated to pack drinks till the trip was a go.

About 8:45, I called our bus driver Sandy and the farm. The farm had planned on our cancellation. I told them we didn’t want to cancel, but they said they didn’t have anyone scheduled to do the field trip. Nice, I thought. But they gave us the green light for about fifteen minutes, and then called to say it was raining out there and the mud and the… every excuse in the book.

We ended up doing a regular Friday, but it was fun. We ate our picnic outside, and the children literally ate every single thing we had. That’s a real reminder that the combination outside and lunch is a great big green light.

It was Elayna’s birthday so there was very nice treat for snack. All in all, a very nice day.