Friday’s Tattler

I was not surprised they called school on Friday. I ventured out on Saturday afternoon for the first time since the snow, and my hill was still a sheet of ice. Newburgh roads were still slushy. I’m supposing the cold prevented a lot of ice from melting. I can only imagine what they were like at 6:00 a.m. Friday morning. I envisioned sliding down Monroe Street through Jennings and into the river.

We will postpone the pajama party for the end of the month.

This semester is getting off to a slow start. We have been out more days than in, but that is the way it is this time of year.

In the hopper we have a new teacher and are losing another. We are losing Miss Elise who is leaving us to be a full time mommy and continue her education. We wish her well. We will miss her enthusiasm and her gusto.

We welcome Dana Palmore as our new art teacher. Miss Dana has a nursing degree and has worked with children for many years. Dana has a child at the Garden School – little Jil who is in the preschool class. Jil played the peacock in the Thanksgiving Play.

This coming week we will be having the International Feast on Friday. This is a voluntary participation for any parent free at lunch time. The feast begins at Noon and goes until it goes. If parents are interested in coming to lunch, please plan to bring a dish for four to share among the diners. The dish should be an ethnic dish that your family enjoys. Salads, entrees, breads and desserts are welcome. Miss Judy will be making Chicken Curry with 8 sideboys.

This coming week we will be going outside for recess when the temperature rises to 35 degrees. Please make sure your child has a hat that is separate from whatever his coat offers. Please send mittens that fit so that he will be warm.

Have a peaceful Sunday!