Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning. It’s going to be a hot one :} starting at 21 degrees here in downtown Newburgh, and rising to a fast 30 today. Please make sure kids have gloves and hats today! Long sleeve shirts are preferable in this cold weather.

Lots of things in the hopper this week. State inspection today; new teacher, Miss Dana, tomorrow, and on Friday we’ll have International Feast.

If you are free at lunch time 12:00 on Friday and would like to come to lunch with your child, please plan to bring an ethnic dish for four. This can be anything. We will eat buffet style with children with parents eating first. It’s only about forty-five minutes, so it’s doable on a lunch break. Parents can bring food early and we can refrigerate it for you.

If you still have candy money out, please bring it in.

Have a great day!