Monday’s Tattler

This week we start working on the massive spring play. It’s a sight to behold and will be performed on March 19 promptly at 3:00.

Every child has a role and every child needs to learn his lines, when he comes in, and be able to say his lines loudly and with spirit!

This is a group effort, not an individual pass fail. Every child helps every other child to make this a grand occasion.

Copies of your child’s lines will be sent home today, and your child is expected to learn his lines asap.

Costumes will be provided by the school.

This week on Tuesday, your child is encouraged to dress up as a Dr. Seuss character. This is a fun time gig and anything goes. Please help your child to create a funny costume. The children really enjoy this.

Please remember to send your child to school wearing a coat that will keep him warm outdoors for an hour. Light jackets are fine for going from car to school, but when a child is outdoors for any length of time, he needs to be protected.

Report cards will go home on Friday.

Have a great week!