Friday’s Second Tattler

Great first field trip, but boy was it hot out there. The kids were great, and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. We traveled an hour into the Spencer County Forest. We stopped at the Lincoln Museum and Miss Judy asked the kids to “go look, and find the one thing that was MOST important to the pioneers. The kids spent a few minutes looking at all the things in the museum, and one by one they told me what they thought was the most important item. We had wonderful answers like: the carousel, the grave yard, the spinning wheel, the house, I don’t know, and many more. The correct answer was the ax. Four children got it right: Javeon, Lily, Kamden, and Isaac. Good for them.

We ran from the museum to the flag pole and stopped for a picture and a salute to the flag and the Star Spangled Banner. Then on to the little grave yard at the top of the hill where Lincoln’s mother is buried.

Then it was a down hill run to the picnic area and when we crossed the train track there, the kids all put their ears to the rail to see if we could hear the train.

Then it was off to the farm. There were not as many farm animals this year. The children enjoyed the house, the smoke house, the barns, and the run space. We got a lesson about animals and the way of life back then from Mr. Louie. The kids climbed and ran and played.

Then it was back to the picnic area where we ate ham and turkey; peanut butter and honey; tuna and egg salad on whole wheat bread. We had watermelon, apples, carrots and celery, chips and home made wonder cookies. The kids literally ate it up.

We took a nice long walk through the woods and ended up at the flag pole again, and the children rolled down the big grassy hill. Then it was off to the bus.

A nice short trip, but one of my favorites.