Saturday Under the Sun

This is from Edith’s family.

In Evergreen…in the mountains above Golden, Colorado (this is about 20 miles from Denver)

Sunday evening, 5PM, I was in the kitchen cleaning a crock pot. Turning to grab a towel, I noticed movement under a bird feeder in the backyard. What? Could it be? My first sighting of a mountain lion outside of a zoo/animal park? Wait…..there is another one…..and another one……and another one. A mom with three yearling cubs. They came right up on my porch. The mom and one cub almost immediately crossed in front of the sunroom and went under the deck (one level down). The remaining two cubs stayed on the porch for 5-10 minutes. I sat on the other side of the sliding glass door, shooting pictures of them. What an unbelievable experience!