Monday’s Tattler

A great big Oops for Miss Judy. This week at the Garden School we will be studying Apples including Johnny Appleseed, apples in art, and doing apple painting. It’s a great year for apples and we will be going to the farm on Friday.

Our trip to the farm will leave at 9:00 and return at 1:00. Your children MUST wear their green school shirt. If you do not have one yet, we will supply it.

Your children MUST wear shoes that tie and are meant for walking. Please do not send children in dress shoes and dresses that day. Shorts or jeans are a must.

We will take a usual school picnic with us that offers children, tuna, egg, cheese, and peanut butter, and a variety of apples, carrots, chips, and other goodies.

The cost of this trip is $10.00

Please remember in these changing days that the morning temp is not the temp all day. Putting winter clothes on a child so that his trip from the car to the school won’t be cold and letting him sweat the rest of the day doesn’t make sense. Please check your weather report and remember that your child is running outside.

Have a great week!