Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning!

Another great week at school. This week we are focusing on our entries and exits. We will assemble in the classrooms and learn to be quiet and listen to the play and know when it’s our turn to come out and act. It’s a cohesive building tool. Curtains up, costumes ready, and it’s “Lights, action!”

Children are getting chilly in short sleeves. It’s a good idea this week to dress children in long sleeves. During the winter our thermostats are low because of the activity in the building and the ability of the sun to really pump up the heat inside. But sometimes a short sleeve is not enough. We do not raise the heat because someone is dressed for summer.

Now is the time for parents to teach children to put on their own coats. We go out every day unless the temperature drops below 32 degrees. A thirty minute recess in the morning becomes five minutes when every child needs to be “dressed.” The theme song runs something like, “Your coat, your body…”

Getting children ready for the independence of big school is one of our jobs. Please help make your child independent by allowing him to dress himself.

Please instruct CHILDREN to put hats and mittens into his or her coat sleeve and hang the coat by the tab. If there is no tab, by the curve of the opposite sleeve. Why? Because it works.

Today we will be enjoying steak, potato wedges, big bread, oranges and frozen grapes.

Our Thanksgiving Play is on Friday at 3:00 p.m. Every child is expected to have someone there for him. Please plan to bring a snack to share for the party following. School dismisses at 4:00.