Monday’s Tattler

Good Afternoon…hectic morning…so I thought I’d catch up this afternoon. We had our inspection this morning and it went very well. Miss Lisa is back to school and looks good. She had a very very serious case of the flu and was really down for the count. Mr. Terry was also down with the flu, but it only lasted a couple of days. It’s a really nasty flu. Chills, a high fever, headache, body aches, and some delirium. Please be careful and stay well!

This week we are looking at the Serengeti Plain in Africa. This is the place where you would go to see giraffes, zebras, lions, wildebeests, hyenas, and elephants. We think the children will like this study very much. On Thursday, we will watch a spectacular video on the Serengeti Plain.

Today in French class, we learned hot and cold and the four seasons.

We have begun to watch the old movie, Swiss Family Robinson as our third choice of “Real Films.”

It is a wonderful idea to remind children to listen. It is our primary job – to teach children to listen so that they will be good students in big school.

We are planning some moves up from Littles to Middles again.

Another wonderful week started…have a blessed one!