Friday’s Tattler

Friday’s Valentine’s Party was really cute. The Littles recited Ickelme Pickelme Tickleme Too! and were a great success. They all knew the words and recited it with great glee! We were so proud of them.

The Middles and Kindergartners did a little dance and then danced with their favorites for a little while. They worked hard on this dance and seemed to like choosing partners better than doing the dance. It was fun, and no one complained about doing it.

Thank you so much for the wonderful goodies that you brought to the party, parents and grandparents. It’s such a small space, we are going to re-evaluate the refreshment table.

It’s always nice to see how well supported we are at the Garden School. Thank you all for coming. I know the children really depend on someone being there. If there is ever a problem with attendance, please see Miss Judy before the occasion, and we will make sure your child has someone for him. We had two children unattended and both were in tears.
