Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning!

We are back to regular classes today. It’s always good to be back to class after the play and Spring Break with a new and exciting classroom lay out. This makes teaching and doing things with the kids so much easier. Everything is clean, bright, and de-junked! So glad to see the school in such good shape.

We will start science this week and combine it with art which should be very interesting and fun. Lots of new art supplies have been purchased and are on their way. Love to see some truly nice work from our magnificent children.

Alexis’s dad came by the school yesterday and put in a little sound system for us. We are truly grateful and so delighted to have this. We have always wanted to play fine examples of great music for the kids but have never had the facility to do it. Now we can, and the sound system sounds great. Still looking for a new record player…hint, hint.

Lots of new stuff int he hopper.

Have a great week!