From Wise Woman ezine

Empower Yourself…
Seed Carriers
by JoAnne Dodgson

Comment: I just loved this article from a favorite ezine I get every month from

Susun Weed.

Seed Carriers
by JoAnne Dodgson
mentor at the Wise Woman University

“We’re Seed Carriers,” I said to Jasmine as I tenderly removed the burrs caught in her fur and tangled up in my woolly sweater. K Robins Symbolic Jewelry Seeds are ingenious, finding all kinds of ways to spread out to new places on the land. In the fiber of their being, seeds hold the blueprint for life – the knowing of who they are, of where and when and how to grow, of the resources and relationships that help them flourish and thrive, of what they have the potential to be. It’s all there, inside the body of the seed.

Touching the wisdoms of the seeds, I felt the magic of being a Seed Carrier and holding vast creative potentials for new life. Seed Carriers – that’s what we all really are. We too have innate genius to carry potent visions, to awaken new possibilities, to set the momentum of growth in a particular direction, to seek out essential resources and relate wholeheartedly.

With every thought we think, we plant a seed.

Our emotions and ideas are fertile seeds.

Every word and action touches others, affecting the world.

We may be spreading seeds containing judgment. Or joy and happiness. Or stress. Or fear. Or acceptance and love. Like the prickly burrs, these seeds get picked up and passed along. They may blossom and spread like wildflowers among new people and places on the land.

So just what do we want to be seeding?

What are we allowing to take root and grow, within us and all around?

What is the legacy we’re leaving behind?

The future grows out of the choices we make in the here and now experiences of our everyday lives. This is the Feminine knowing which instinctively lives in the present while tending to the generations to come.

When pregnant with a daughter, three generations are interwoven in the body of the mother. Her womb holds the daughter whose developing ovaries carry eggs – a precious new life already holding the potentials for creating future expressions of new life.

What’s going on in and around the mother’s body, spirit and mind directly influences the unfolding of the future – her children, her children’s children, the worlds they inhabit, envision and co-create.

Three generations interwoven in her body: the sacred lineage of the Feminine is a river flowing through time which nourishes the continuance of life.

Whether or not we are women or mothers, we all are Seed Carriers. Seed Carriers can choose to walk in the ways of the Feminine – holding the very blueprints for life, awakening new potentials, nourishing natural growth.

In the heart of the feminine nature of Seed Carriers lives the instinctual calling to be intentionally aware of the essence and influence of every thought and emotion, of each spoken word and action taken. Our personal and collective future – all that comes to be – grows out of our here and now choice-making.

So what do you want to be seeding…
…in your life?
…on the earth?
…for the generations to come?

Copyright © 2011 JoAnne Dodgson

About JoAnne Dodgson

JoAnne Dodgson, Ed.D, is a healer, teacher, medicine storyteller and weaver of webs of balance in ancient Peruvian medicine ways Ka Ta See, ‘living in balance from the heart.’ She has a doctorate in counseling psychology and over twenty years experience offering transformational counseling, ceremonial gatherings, holistic healing, workshops and community outreach. She teaches at Southwestern College in Santa Fe. JoAnne lives in the enchanted desert mesas of New Mexico.

Shaman’s Circle: Earth Spirits and Guides
Learn ancient healing ways of the shaman to awaken and enrich your connection with the vast web of life.

Manifesting with the Moon
Connect with the energies of the Moon and her cycles to awaken your natural ability to manifest your dreams.

BOOKS by JoAnne Dodgson

MoonDance Journal

Paperback with comb binding by Joanne Dodgson. Each copy of Moondance Journal is handmade, lovingly printed and bound by JoAnne Dodgson.


Walking the Spiral Path:
Awakening Power and Passion

Paperback with comb binding by Joane Dodgson. 113 pp. A collection of medicine stories.
