Monday’s Tattler

This week is going to be quite a week! We will begin to study the World’s Healthiest Foods on Monday and look at beans and their sprouts. We will also look at fish, aquariums, and the kinds of things will will see at the aquarium on Friday.

We will ask that all people who want to go on this trip sign up on Monday because tickets will be purchased on Tuesday. Our itinerary will go home on Monday. Please pick up a copy. We will be leaving school at 7:00 a.m. Don’t make us call you at 6:45!

Tuesday and Wednesday, weather permitting, we will be going to the Newburgh Pool and having our usual picnic at Fortress of Fun.

Thursday is a down day for R and R so that children can be in great shape for Friday’s excursion.

If you have any questions, please see Miss Judy.