Friday’s Tattler

W had a great time at the Science Museum in Nashville. The children were delighted with the ability to be free and just run and play among so many wonderful exhibits. They climbed, they discovered, they experienced a huge building filled with childhood activities and a love of learning.

They were all very well behaved. A little thirsty on the way home, but that’s part of travel. Thinking about saving the mini soda containers and refilling with water and freezing for trips home the rest of the summer. If you drink soda, and you buy it in the small bottles, please bring your empties to school with the lids please!
This year our field trips have been super. We have enjoyed everything we have done and we are trying yet one other new trip this year – Kentucky Down Under as our TBA. Can’t wait to see this.
Next week is Mammoth Cave, then Kentucky Down Under and then our finale at Pounds Hollow Lake.