Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning!

Another great week at the GS. This week we are talking about making friends. We will be having a guest on Thursday to talk about Postcrossing. This should be very interesting. It’s done with drawings and postcards…more about that later.
If there are any questions about your child’s work or what has been sent home for him to do, please ask your child’s teacher. Miss Amy is teaching reading, Miss Dayna handwriting and spelling, and Miss Lisa is teaching Math.
We have started a sticker chart for our breakfast and lunch eaters. If your child has eaten either his breakfast or lunch he will tell us after his meal and receive a sticker. Same with Milk. We are working on speaking in full sentences, and children are expected to answer, “I ate my lunch and drank my milk.” Please work on having your child answer in a full sentence. This builds fluency in the language and communication skills.
We are introducing a writing desk for the children to write little notes and draw pictures for their friends. This is aimed at reading, writing, spelling and communication skills. We hope the children really enjoy this.
It’s going to be warm again this week, so we are still in shorts and short SLEEVED shirts.
On Friday, we will be going to Buffaloville for lunch. Children will look at some of the ways children in the past lived. Children should wear their green shirts. If you do not have one, one will be provided for your child.
We are in the process of changing our school shirts. It’s a loooooooooooong process. Please be patient.
Have a great week!